Yuzu-kosho Yaki-yuba ramen 

My friend told me about the vegan Yaki-yuba ramen, and I couldn’t stop imagining how delicious it would be, so I made it last night, and it turned out exactly what I imagined .
Yuzu-kosho is like a citrus chili paste, andYuba is tofu skin, sold dried bean curd sheet, you can find it at Asian supermarket.

Yuzu-kosho ramen soup:
Boil water, add mushroom powder, Yuzu-kosho paste, sea salt, white pepper, sunflower oil

1 soak dried yuba, boil it with sliced ginger and sake, and drain water
2 heat canola oil, sauté yuba, sprinkle, sea salt, black pepper and nutritional yeast

I added grilled cabbage, it went great with Yuzu-kosho soup.