Still snowing here, the spring seems far far away…

Still snowing here, the spring seems far far away… ️
Last night I made a turnip cream stew.
It was so comforting, nothing beats a hearty stew on a cold night.

Turnip cream stew with grilled soy chick’n
1 boil soy curl, drain water, coat with flour, nutritional yeast, salt and pepper, and grill, and set aside
2 boil 3cups water, add turnips (cut into wedges), bay leaves, shimeji mushroom, cook until the turnips are soft
3 meanwhile, make cashew cream
4 boil water, turn off heat, add 1/2cup raw cashew, leave it for 10min
5 drain water, transfer to a blend, add 1cup plant milk, blend until smooth, and set aside
6 add 1TBS miso paste, 1TBP nutritional yeast, 1tsp sea salt, 1/2tsp white pepper
7 add grilled soy chick’n, cashew cream, and spinach, sprinkle black pepper
* add 1/2 -1cup plant milk if the stew is too thick