Smoked eggplant-mackerel and Mediterranean quinoa salad

I used to like peppered smoked mackerel at Waitrose in UK, I don’t know if they still have it or not, it was like more than 15 years ago…
This vegan version eggplant mackerel is so easy to make and so delicious!!! We no need mackerel at all

Smoked eggplant-mackerel
1 cut eggplant into half, and grill
2 then sauté with olive oil,
3 pour the smoked “mackerel “ liquid, which is the mixture of canola oil, soy sauce, liquid smoke, kelp powder , maple syrup, pinch cayenne and white wine
4 Cook till nicely glazed
5 Sprinkle lots of black pepper

Mediterranean quinoa salad
1 cook 1/2 cup quinoa with veggie broth until you see tiny spirals and cool it down
2 add diced cucumber, shredded red cabbage, chopped grape tomatoes, radish, and mixed beans (I used red kidney, chickpea, green pea)
3 Dress with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, cumin powder sea salt, and black pepper