Happy New Year – Little bit of Japanese traditions .

On new year’s day, we eat “Osechi” which is Japanese traditional new year food.
Each ingredients have meanings, such as good health and great harvest for a year.
This is not everything, but I made some with vegan

The center is “Nishime” boiled root vegetables with sweet soy broth. it has a meaning of “long lasting happiness”

Sweet black soybeans are called “Kuromame”Eating Kuromame means that you can stay healthy and strong, also hard working.

Pickled lotus roots are called “Namasu” meaning is the future prospects are good, because of the holes in the lotus root.

Sautéed burdock with roasted nuts are called “Tazukuri”, usually it’s made from toasted baby sardines and sweet soy sauce, of course, I made it vegan version, meaning is “rich harvest”.

“Datemaki” is sweet rolled omelet, I made vegan version with pumpkin, yam potato, and tofu. The meaning is “knowledge”.

“Kazunoko” is herring roe. I made vegan version with amaranth and seaweed sheet. Kazunoko is a lot of roe, so it means “descendants prosperity”.

”Kurikinton” is candied chestnut with sweet potatoes.It has a gold color, so it has a meaning of “bringing good luck”.

Wishing you all the best for 2020