Cauliflower fritters and Potato Au Gratin

Curry spiced cauliflower fritters ;
1 pour boiling water over the cauliflower florets
2 in a bowl, whisk together flour, curry powder, nutritional yeast, plant milk, sparkling water, ice cubes m, salt and pepper
3 batter coat individual florets and dip them in the hot oil
4 Fry the cauliflower on medium high heat till they are golden brown

Potato Au Gratin
1 preheat oven to 400 F (200℃)
2 spread vegan butter a casserole
3 layer cooked potatoes, pour plant milk, veggie stock, salt , pepper, sprinkle vegan butter corn, pour cashew sauce, vegan cheese
4 bake till its surface is nicely brown

So yummy and satisfying dinner