Spring pasta

Made Yuzu-kosho pasta with spring veggies (ginger, cabbage, bamboo shoots, and asparagus)

Yuzu-kosho is a type of Japanese seasoning. It is a paste made from chili peppers, yuzu citrus peel and salt, which is then allowed to ferment.

1 in a large skillet combine olive oil with finely chopped ginger, cook over medium heat, add bamboo shoots, lightly boiled cabbage, and asparagus, sprinkle sea salt and pepper
2 add cooked pasta, drizzle Yuzu-kosho sauce mixture (1/4 cup pasta water, 2tsp soy sauce, 1tsp Yuzu-kosho paste), cook over high heat to emulsify Spring vegetables are rich in nutrients as well as detoxifying and anti-oxidative!!

Eat veggie, stay healthy