Crunchy Veggie Spicy v

Thai Stir Fry and Thai spicy soup
Eat veggie, stay healthy, and be happy

🌶Thai stir fry
1 in a large pan, heat coconut oil, sauté 2-3Thai chilies, chopped ginger, cabbage, carrot, long beans, broccoli, asparagus, and tofu (firm tofu pressed and drain water)
2 add coconut sugar, liquid amino, vegan oyster sauce, peanut butter and stir

🌶 Thai spicy soup-serving for 4
1 in a sauce pan, boil 4cups of water, add 2red chili peppers, 2tsp veggie stocks, 1tsp coconut sugar, 2TBS lemon juice, lemon grass, minced ginger, shimeji mushroom, mustard spinach, potato, and carrot
3 add 4TBP liquid amino, 1TBS miso mixture (miso paste and chili paste)
4 add grape tomatoes
5 pour 1cup of plant milk (if you want rich taste, I recommend coconut milk )