4th of July is my mom’s birthday

4th of July is my mom’s birthday .
So we celebrated with mom’s request Italian dinner.
Happy Independence Day and happy birthday mom

Porcini and Maitake mushroom risotto
1 soak 1/2 cup dried porcini in the 1cup warm water
2 chop porcini and tear Maitake mushroom into small pieces, set aside
3 boil 6 cups veggie stock, add porcini water, remove from the heat
4 in a large sauce pan, heat olive oil and sauté 1cup rice
*I don’t eat garlic and onion, but you can add them to have more flavor
5 add porcini and Maitake mushroom, 1/4 cup white wine and bay leaf and cook until wine has evaporated
6 add about one cup warm stock and cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until nearly absorbed. Continue adding the stock in batches, stirring constantly until the rice is al dent
7 add 2tsp vegan butter , and 2TBS vegan Parmesan
8 season with truffle salt and black pepper

Blackened cauliflower steak
1 cut thick slice cauliflower about 1 inch
2 sprinkle nutritional yeast, sea salt, lots of black pepper, drizzle olive oil
3 bake in a oven for 25min.

Tomato bisque;
1 put cashew (soak in hot water for 10minutes, and rinse) and plant milk, blender until smooth , then add whole tomato, blend again
2 cook with medium to low heat until everything get smooth, add salt, pepper, maple syrup, and pinch cayenne.