🥢Zen Bowl

My uncle gave me a beautiful Chinese yam, so I made some yam steaks with vegan butter and soy sauce, which were so yummy Added some teriyaki tofu chick’n , and simmered greens and abura-age to make a Zen bowl

Yam steak
1 peel, and cut 1/2inch thick, then cut into half-moons
2 sauté with vegan butter, sprinkle black pepper, and drizzle 1TBS soy sauce from the edge of pan to inside of it

Teriyaki tofu chick’n
1 break atsuage tofu with hands
2 dip in a batter (mixture of flour, plant milk)
3 coat with potato starch, nutritional yeast, salt, crushed corn flakes, white pepper
4 pan fry and pour teriyaki sauce (mixture of maple syrup , tamari or soy sauce, and water, pinch cayenne )
5 cook till glazed
6 sprinkle shichimi (seven spices)